On-Demand Sourcing

The Fastest Route to Fill the Funnel

When You Have the Team, But Not the Time

Fill the top of your funnel

Let's face it: recruiting and sourcing are two different beasts in the same den. Yes, most recruiters are adept at sourcing, but it takes a lot of time to do both. Sometimes, especially with hard-to-fill positions, a talent acquisition team can get delayed and bogged down in the sourcing process, which in turn delays this and all other projects the team is working on. Sometimes, you need to syphon a little more sourcing power to get some gasoline in your recruiting funnel.

Meet unique project requirements

We all know your talent acquisition team can source your evergreen positions in their sleep. They can even fill the higher-turnover positions with ease. But what happens when you need a new Director of Such-and-Such, or Chief of What-Have-You? Meeting the specific requirements of rarer positions can put a lot of stress on your sourcing team, but it is a necessary pain to make sure you get the perfect person for your organization. Having the familiarity and bandwidth to source AND recruit for the less-than-ordinary positions is a big ask, but it is necessary to find the perfect fit for you.

Flip the switch

One thing you really can't make more of is time. In order to make more work-hours happen in the same amount of time, you need to hire more workers. And when you need the extra work-hours for sourcing, you are now sourcing sourcers with the sourcers that you actually need to be sourcing the original position that you are sourcing sourcers for - confused? Well, the solution isn't magic; what you really need in these situations is to be able to turn your extra sourcing power on and off without impacting the bandwidth of your current talent acquisition team. On-demand sourcing enables you to accommodate special projects at the drop of a hat, without all the sorcery.

"HRU-Tech has done a great job finding a wide variety of team members with varied skills. From Managers, to Purchasing, to the Warehouse Team - they have found us solid candidates that have proven to be great additions to our teams."

- Ted, General Manager

Leverage Our Team

Exceptional Experience

We have a team of dedicated sourcing professionals who are ready and able to fill your funnel with talent. Your project will be their full focus for its duration, ensuring get the best fit for the role and your organization.

Innovative Technologies

HRU is constantly leveraging next-gen technologies to make our processes more efficient and to uncover and attract the best talent in your industry. Our tech stack, analytics, and talent communities will be at your disposal.

Stay Agile, Save Money

HRU charges for on-demand sourcing on a project basis, by the hour; that way, you know you are only paying for the sourcing you need when you need it.

Why settle for less than the proven best? Contact us today!